Consumer Law:. Protection & Guarantees by govs. ️ Insurance:. Protection by insurance orgs. SLAs:. Guarantees by private orgs.
11 May 2023, 08:00
⚖️ Consumer Law:
Protection & Guarantees by govs.
☔️ Insurance:
Protection by insurance orgs.
🎯 SLAs:
Guarantees by private orgs.
⚡️Decentralized SLAs:
Protection & Guarantees by peers.
$DSLA achieves Consumer Rights without govs, insurance orgs and private orgs.
Why does it matter?
Because the demand for Risk Mitigation is bigger than the supply of Risk Management instruments, and their Time to Market is trash.
⚖️ govs
5-10 years
☔️ insurance orgs
2+ years
🎯 private orgs
3-5 years
⚡️ $DSLA
2 days now, 2 minutes by end 2023